
Friday, August 1, 2008

What is Bugging Out?

The terms bug-out and bug-out bag (BOB) are frequently seen on Internet discussion forums and blogs, especially those relating to survival, disaster preparedness and firearms. Put simply, the bug-out strategy means preparing and planning to get out of Dodge when something bad happens that makes your current location untenable or unsustainable.

I started this blog to accompany a new book that I'm currently completing entitled: Bug Out: The Complete Plan for Escaping a Catastrophic Disaster Before It's Too Late.

The concept for the book came to me after browsing through the wide array of new survival guidebooks on the bookstore shelves and realizing that most of them focus on the how-to of survival, and have little or nothing to say about the where-to. Since most people living in city or suburban settings around the U.S. may have little knowledge of the wide variety of wild lands in their region that might make for viable bug-out locations, I decided to write a region-by-region guide to some choice places that would work for the purpose. There are, of course, more such locations in the U.S. than could be covered in detail in a single volume, so here on Bug Out Survival I intend to expand on the contents of the book, as well as write equipment reviews and a wide assortment of related posts.

The tentative publication date for the book is set for April, 2010. It will be published by Ulysses Press, of Berkeley, California, publisher of such survival genre titles as Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Livingby John McPherson, Special Forces Survival Guideby Chris McNab, and Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapseby James Wesley Rawles.

Updates regarding the release of the book will be available on the Ulysses Press website and will of course be posted here as well.